Crises in the Eastern Bloc and MUN training possibilities


As with Containment, the troubles the Soviet Union was having with the Eastern Bloc would lend itself to a fun MUN crisis meeting: Hungary, the Berlin Wall, Czechoslovakia and Solidarity; take your pick.

Again, it would be a meeting of the Security Council and you could maybe push the human rights/civil rights perspective.

As with the crises surrounding Containment you would clearly see the seriousness of the crises as well as the ideological divide, and you would find that a resolution is hard to find. Again, the perambulatory clauses would help with Qa’s as well as giving background material for Qs b + c. Whilst by presenting the view of the opposing sides it will help you with both Q’s b and Qc. As for the operative clauses, it would help you appreciate that what actually unfolded wasn’t inevitable. Remember, people always have choices.

And don’t forget that if you don’t have the numbers you need, you can recruit non-MUNers. You might change their life!