Causes of WW1

1. Linking the July Crisis to long-term factors – What Lloyd George tells us in his war memoirs 2. Working backwards to explain WW1 – Sometimes it’s best to start at the end! 3. Fear: the psychology behind the decisions made in the July Crisis – A powerful motivating force 4. Weltpolitik Paragraph – Maximising what you say 5. Franz Joseph and the July Crisis

The Course and Nature of WW1

1. War Aims – What were the different powers fighting for? 2. Strengths and Weaknesses – Who was best prepared for war? 3. The failure of the Schlieffen Plan – Why there was no quick victory 4. The War at Sea – A war of two blockades 5. WW1 and the Middle East Today

The End of Tsarism in Russia

The End of Tsarism in Russia

1. Why Tsarism collapsed 2. Alexander IIIs counter-reforms 3. The Russian economy under Alexander III 4. The relationship between agriculture and industry

Lenin and the Bolshevik Revolution

Lenin and the Bolshevik Revolution

1. Two "Siberias" 2. Why the Provisional Government was overthrown so easily 3. Soviet Order No 1

Weimar Germany

1. What Weimar election results tell us 2. Karl and Rosa 3. Responses to the German Revolution

Mussolini and the First Fascist State

1. Explaining the first fascist state 2. The setting for fascism in Italy 3. Italy and WW1

The Spanish Civil War

1. The protagonists in the Spanish Civil War 2. The crisis of the Spanish monarchy

Stalin and the Soviet Union

1. Stalin’s Rise to Power - Beware the man nobody sees! 2. The Ryutin Affair –The significance of ‘the original conspiracy’ 3. The Congress of Victors - The Significance of the Seventeenth Party Congress 4. Collectivisation: A matter of economics, ideology and power 5. The Cult of Stalin

Hitler and Nazi Germany

1. Hitler’s Bravery – Controversial but nevertheless true 2. Propaganda and the Day of Potsdam – A masterclass in how to sell yourself 3. The Philosophical Base of Nazism – Tracing the roots of Nazism 4. The Reverend Martin Niemoller and his opposition to the Nazi regime 5. The characteristics of Nazi election campaigns

Causes of WW2

1. Hitler’s War: Words and Military Planning – What he wrote and what he did 2. Hitler’s War: Opportunity and Diplomacy – The master manipulator 3.Hitler’s Diplomacy: Anschluss – A detailed study of how Hitler operated 4. Hitler's Diplomacy: the road to Munich 5. The Context to the Nazi-Soviet Pact

The Course and Nature of WW2

1. Blitzkrieg – In theory and in practice 2. Hitler’s great mistake in 1941 – Operation Barbarossa: the invasion of the Soviet Union 3. Stalin’s great mistake in 1941 – He wasn’t ready! 4. Japan's great mistake 5. Hitler's second great mistake of 1941

Die Geste der rechten Hand ! Typische Rednergesten, bei welchen die Bewegung der rechten Hand den Höhepunkt in den Ausführungen des Redners unterstreicht. Der Führer der Nationalsozialisten Adolf Hitler in einer typischen Rednerpose.

Mao and the PRC

1. China in the Time of the Qing Dynasty (pre-Mao) 2. Marxism-Maoism – How Mao made Marxism “fit” China 3. The Significance of the Long March – The stuff of legend 4. The Communists and the Japanese War - more nationalist than the Nationalists 5. The Hundred Flowers Opinion Poll 6. What led to the Great Leap Forward?


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